Purchases usb need to pay attention
2015-03-18 15:58:44
USB Flash Drive as a digital gifts, has become an efficient means of communication! From the government, schools, parties, exhibitions and so on both occasions successfully USB Flash Drive as the preferred way! When USB Factory processing can be added or deleted files can not be icon, etc., allows customers in the course of the company from time to time to understand the subtle spread! And because it is often through the Internet this convenient way pick and choose the Internet era, companies, etc. agency customization! The following is a U-procurement attention to several key factors.
1. Data Reliability
Store important data, especially for office data security requirements will be high. Because the office is a collaborative work, everyone is a key link in the chain, a ring information problem, the entire information chain all broken. Therefore, companies who are responsible for procurement must pay attention, USB Flash Drive security is the first factor to be considered optional.
2. Durable
Office USB Flash Drive must be durable, quick loss of data, or accidentally fell about to "sacrifice", or else the data are no blisters, only users complained, leading critics negative things. So smart business procurement staff will be fully taken into account when purchasing these requirements.
3. Speed
Pictures, sounds, videos on the expression to be much stronger than the text, therefore, now more and more occasions to be applied to multimedia files. Thus, the frequency of use of large data files is more and more, so the data read and write speeds have become increasingly demanding, especially in the office, the more sensitive efficiency. USB Flash Drive procurement time, capacity, and speed is a very important performance indicators.
More than a brief introduction to several key factors Industry Office U-procurement. Last reminder, office applications to store more cautious, the price can be from a certain extent, the final reaction products produced quality! Enterprise buyers not to lower prices as a primary consideration, so as not to suffer a great deal because they are cheap
--- Shenzhen Jingelangyi USB Flash Drive Factory
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